Saturday, March 19, 2011

Verses 7 and 8 Hubbard Hill Memories Thanksgiving, Wayne Drinks Kerosene.

Hubbard Hill Memories, Verses 7 and 8
Thanksgiving came with hunting season and lot’s of family found a reason to come “up home” to join in meals and song.
We gather around that old piano, Dad sang bass Mom sang soprano and uncles , aunts and cousins sang along.
And the old time Christian hymns would soar and chime
With harmonies so sweet and so sublime.
Then all the men would go hunt deer while all the ladies helped to clear the table for the meal at supper time.
The third time Wayne drank kerosene from old Coke bottles he had seen sitting on the shelves in the wood shed,
Grandma Bessie said to Mom, “I know you mean nobody harm, but if he keeps doing that, he’ll soon be dead”.
Doug’s eye got hurt while hunting from a car.
When Marilyn burned her hands it left some scars.
Merle Jr chopped my middle finger, thoughts of all that blood still linger, those are things that made us what we are.
In the picture, Aunt Madeline, Frances, Aunt Winifred.....

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